Issue n. X Summer 05


[ current issue: n. X summer 05 - editorial ]

cover issue X

It all started back in '98, when a bunch of joyful friends decided it was time to put their passion for music at work. The Darklife Zine was instantly born, although at the time we were totally unaware of the "methods & implications" of entering the world of the small print. We had a computer though, but no related software, yet all this was of little concern to us as we were confident that our passion and motivation would be our main weapons to sort ourselves through the task. Also, this wasn't our job, and the additional difficulty was to source time to actually do the work. We waded trough, grew with it, made friends and churned out 9 issues in the process.

We had started out of Switzerland and the UK, had a few changes in the line-up, we changed sites and locations and now we seem to have come full circle with our Xth edition. While I had started out of Switzerland, I'm now in the UK, having narrowly escaped the brutality of the devastated German social establishment in the process. Meanwhile, some old Swiss friends who have started the Interstice association, have joined us again for this venture. They have also single-handedly resurrected one of the original Darklife initiatives, which took shape before the mag did, in Switzerland - The Darklife Sampler - and have produced the CD that comes with this mag for you to enjoy.

It has been well over one year since our previous publication, but we wanted to make sure we had something really valid to propose before hitting the streets again. Still Darklife is not our job today, nor have we been granted the extra time we need to make it. So sit back and enjoy, hopefully we have brought something positive again in the sweet'n'mad world of underground dark music.


Gianfri (guilty, ad aeternum)
